Gradescope Markdown

Gradescope can sometimes not provide useful compilation messages when it fails to execute. Here are some things to check, which came up a lot in previous semesters.

  1. Gradescope Markdown Manager
  2. Gradescope Markdown Schedule
  3. Gradescope Markdown For Bullet
  4. Gradescope Markdown Table

Note: You are responsible for ensuring your submission goes through beforethe deadline. We encourage everyone to submit early to avoid/resolve any issues. The TAs will do their best to respond to last minute compilation issueson Piazza, but cannot make any promises.

Autograder Failures/Error Messages Upon Submission:


The autograder failed to execute correctly. Please ensure that your submission is valid. Contact your course staff for help in debugging this issue. Make sure to include a link to this page so that they can help you most effectively.

Gradescope Markdown Manager

Getting this message upon submission? Please check the following before posting on Piazza or going to office hours for help:

  1. Did you submit ALL the required files listed at the “Files to Submit”section of the assignment? This includes checking that you submitted .java files and not .class files. Please do not submit extra files.

  2. Check the files you submitted to Gradescope. Do the names of the files appearas folder/ If so, please drag the files individually so that they appear only as Do not submit a zip of files contained inside a folder.

  3. Are you in the default package? That means checking the top of all files to make sure there is no statement like packagesrc;. Remove all these statements and resubmit.

  4. Are you getting a Jacoco Error? This means you are failing one of your own test cases, or one of your test cases is running in an infinite loop. Try fixing the test case you are failing, and if you can’t fix it by the deadline then just remove it and resubmit.

  5. Do you have print statements? Make sure to delete these before submitting, especially if they are inside of a loop.

  6. Did you accidentally modify any of our class or method headers? Undo thosechanges and resubmit.

  7. Do your files compile locally? Files that don’t compile locally will most definitely not compile on Gradescope. Worth double-checking :)

  8. Tried all the above and nothing worked? Please post your submission URL on Piazza as a private post, and a TA will get back to you. Alternatively, youcan come to office hours for help.

Gradescope: Regrade Requests—What to do if you have questions about the grading of a problem (e. Markdown—A simplified syntax to create formatted. PDF output from an R Markdown file on Gradescope. Final Project: The final project is done in groups of 5 and worth a total of 100 points. There will be 4 parts of varying point values submitted throughout the semester. Part I: Project Proposal, is worth 10 points and will be due on February 16.


Gradescope is down and I cannot submit

Gradescope Markdown Schedule

Markdown (for bold, italics, code formatting, bullet lists and more) LaTeX notation (for Math notation Here is an example. Note that:. Using asterisks on successive lines makes a bullet list. You edit on the left and see the formatted text on the right. In markdown underlines around a work produce italics.

Gradescope Markdown For Bullet

Gradescope, like most other websites, occasionally goes down for maintenance or system updates. During this time, you will see a message on their home page. Please wait a couple minutes (or however long it says to wait), and try again.

Gradescope Markdown Table

If the issue persists and is preventing you from submitting by the deadline,please alert the course staff by posting to Piazza. We will extend the homeworkdeadline if necessary.