Conda Brew

执行brew install homebrew/cask/anaconda; 我的心在等待,在丫在等待. 将conda加入系统变量 执行. Echo 'export PATH='your install path'/.bashprofile source /.bashprofile 2 anaconda的基本使用. 创建一个新用户 conda create -name nameyouwant python=versionyouwant package1 package2. Apr 02, 2021 The Jupyter Notebook is a web-based interactive computing platform. The notebook combines live code, equations, narrative text, visualizations, interactive dashboards and other media. Conda install linux-64 v1.06; noarch v1.06; osx-64 v1.06; win-64 v1.06; To install this package with conda run one of the following: conda install -c conda-forge r-brew.

ROOT is available on Linux, Mac, and (as a beta release) on Windows.
The latest stable ROOT release is6.24/00 (about ROOT versioning scheme).

There are several ways to install ROOT on your computer: they are all listed in the table of content on the right. Which one is best for you depends on your operating system and usage requirements.In all cases, make sure to always use the most recent ROOT release possible to get the latest bug fixes, features and quick user support.

To avoid having to source every time one needs to use ROOT, it is typical to add the instruction to.bashrc,.profile or analogous configuration files. Note, however, that sourcing might interfere with ROOT versions installed with different methods. Install via a package manager. Supported by the community: these packages are not maintained by the ROOT team, but. Conda install linux-64 v1.06; noarch v1.06; osx-64 v1.06; win-64 v1.06; To install this package with conda run one of the following: conda install -c conda-forge r-brew.

We distribute pre-compiled ROOT for several major Linux distributions as well as MacOS and (as a beta) Windows.The steps to install a pre-compiled binary are simple:

  1. Install all required dependencies with the system package manager
  2. Download the release for the desired platform and ROOT version
  3. Unpack the archive
  4. Add the ROOT libraries and executables to your environment by sourcing the appropriate thisroot.* script. These setup scripts can be found in the ROOT binary release, in the bin directory.

For example, on Ubuntu 19, a user could execute the following bash commands to install ROOT v6.22/00, after installing all required dependencies:

To avoid having to source every time one needs to use ROOT, it is typical to add the instruction to.bashrc, .profile or analogous configuration files.Note, however, that sourcing might interfere with ROOT versions installed with different methods.

Supported by the community: these packages are not maintained by the ROOT team, but by helpful members of the community. Please go through each package manager’s standard channels to report any related issue. If you package ROOT and would like to be added to the list below, please contact us by clicking the letter icon at the bottom of the page.


For any Linux distribution and MacOS, ROOT is available as a conda package. To create a new conda environment containing ROOT and activate it, execute

More instructions about using the conda package are available in this blog post.

Please report any issues with the conda package here.


On many Linux distributions, ROOT can be installed via Snap. For example, on Ubuntu:

See our dedicated blog post for more information, or visit the official ROOT Snap package page.

Linux package managers

ROOT can be directly installed from the operating system’s package manager in the following Linux distributions:


Fedora’s ROOT package can be installed with

More typically, however, users will want more than just the base package. The full list of components can be seen at by clicking in one of the offered versions.To install ROOT with support for python and notebooks, for example, run


ROOT is available on CentOS via EPEL. To install ROOT on CentOS, just run

Arch Linux

Arch’s ROOT package can be installed with


The Gentoo package for ROOT is sci-physics/root.It can be installed with

Ubuntu and Debian-based distributions

The ROOT team is working on the release of an official .deb package. More news on this topic very soon.
In the meanwhile, ROOT is available on Ubuntu via conda or our pre-compiled binaries.

MacOS package managers


On Mac, ROOT is also available as a homebrew formula.You can install it with


After installing macports, the ROOT port can be installed with

Pre-built ROOT without dependencies

Conda brew pub

If your platform mounts CVMFS (as, for example, CERN LXPLUS does),ROOT is directly available as an LCG release.

ROOT installations with minimal external dependencies are available for Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS 7 and MacOS at:

For example, to set up ROOT 6.22/00 on a CentOS7 machine that already has all ROOT required dependencies installed, just run:

ROOT plus dependencies

On CentOS7, ROOT as well as its dependencies and many other packages are also available as an LCG view:

For example, to set up a full environment with ROOT 6.20/02 on CERN LXPLUS, you can run:

To check what ROOT version is contained in an LCG release, check

Gentoo Prefix on CVMFS

ROOT is also experimentally available in a Gentoo Prefix installationinside the contrib area of the SFT CVMFS repository. To use it from there, run

This will drop you into a new shell where all software from the prefix is available.

ROOT Docker containers for several linux flavours are available at ROOT’s official DockerHub.

For example, to try out the latest ROOT release just run docker run -it rootproject/root.

Users with a CERN computing account can simply connect to via SSH and start root: the latest stable version is installed as a normal system package.

Note that certain features (e.g. multi-threading capabilities) are not available on (or, equivalently, due to incompatible versions of certain ROOT dependencies on CentOS7. You can use to get access to CentOS8, where this limitation is not present.

Mac Install Miniconda

In case no other installation method is available, or if you want full control over the options ROOT is built with,it is possible to compile ROOT from source. See Building ROOT from source for detailed instructions.

As a quick summary, after installing all required dependencies, ROOT can be compiled with these commands on most UNIX-like systems:

This guide will cover the steps for installing VisiData and provide troubleshooting assistance.

Quick Reference

Conda Brewing

PlatformPackage ManagerCommandOut-of-box Loaders
allpip3pip3 install visidataBase
allcondaconda install --channel conda-forge visidataBase, http, html, xls(x)
MacOSHomebrewbrew install saulpw/vd/visidataBase, http, html, xls(x)
Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)aptapt install visidataBase, http, html, xls(x)
Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)dpkgdpkg -i visidata_ver_all.debBase, http, html, xls(x)
WindowsWSLWindows is not yet directly supported (use WSL)N/A
allgithubpip3 install git+
Linux (NixOS)nixnix-env -i visidataBase, yaml, xls(x), hdf5, html, pandas, shp
GNU/Linux (Guix)Guixguix install visidataBase, http, html, xls(x), yaml, hdf5, pandas

If the one-line install commands above do not work, see below for detailed instructions and troubleshooting.

Conda Brew

The base VisiData package

A loader is a module which directs how VisiData structures and engages with a particular data source.

Each package contains the full loader suite but differs in which loader dependencies will get installed by default. This is to avoid bloating the system for most users, who are not interested in using those features.

When we mention the base VisiData package, we are referring to the VisiData loaders whose dependencies are covered by the Python3 standard library. Currently these include the loaders for tsv, csv, fixed width text, json, and sqlite. Additionally, .zip, .gz, .bz2, and .xz files can be decompressed on the fly.



To verify that both python3 and pip3 are installed, type python3 -m pip help in your terminal. You should see the helpstring for pip3 in your console.

To install VisiData:

To update VisiData:

VisiData supports many sources, but not all dependencies are installed automatically.

Out-of-box, you can load all file formats supported by the Python3 standard library including csv, tsv, fixed-width text, json, and sqlite. Additional Python packages may be required for opening other supported data sources.

To install any of one the dependencies:

To install dependencies for all loaders (which might take some time and disk space):

Note: The pipx tool is an optional convenience layer on top of pip. It can help keep VisiData and its dependencies in an isolated environment, to avoid clashes with other Python packages on your system. With pipx installed:



Add the conda-forge channel:

To install VisiData:

To update VisiData:

Note, that the VisiData feedstock comes preloaded with additional dependencies.

Out-of-box, you can load csv, tsv, fixed-width text, json, sqlite, http, html, .xls, and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel).

Additional Python packages will be required for opening other supported data sources.

If these packages are included in the conda environment, they can be installed with



  • MacOS

Add the the vd tap:

To install VisiData:

To update VisiData:

Note, that the VisiData formula comes preloaded with additional dependencies.

Out-of-box, you can load csv, tsv, fixed-width text, json, sqlite, http, html, .xls, and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel).

NOTE: There is no method, which is known to the package maintainer, to install additional dependencies for a brewed Python package. If anyone does know of one please, please let us know.



  • Linux distribution
  • apt

Install apt-transport-https, which apt requires to communicate with a repository using https:

Grab our public key:

Add our repository to apt's search list:

To install VisiData:

To update VisiData:

Note, that the VisiData .deb comes preloaded with additional dependencies.

Out-of-box, you can load csv, tsv, fixed-width text, json, sqlite, http, html, .xls, and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel).



  • Linux distribution

dpkg allows you to manually download and install VisiData, thus bypassing the need to add the repository's index.

First, go to our repository and download the preferred version of VisiData.

To install VisiData:

To uninstall VisiData:

Note, that the VisiData .deb comes preloaded with additional dependencies.

Out-of-box, you can load csv, tsv, fixed-width text, json, sqlite, http, html, .xls, and .xlsx (Microsoft Excel).


Windows is not yet directly supported. We recommend trying to use ConEmu as your terminal on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). You can find discussion on this topic here.

Brew Install Conda

source code

If you want to use bleeding edge unreleased features (which may not always work), you can do so by installing from the development branch on git.

To install VisiData:

See pip3 above for further information on loaders and dependency management.


This package is maintained by the wonderful folks at nixpkgs. Please refer all questions and requests for troubleshooting assistance to them.


  • Linux distribution

To install VisiData:

To upgrade VisiData:

To uninstall VisiData:

GNU Guix

This package is maintained by Ryan Prior and the Guix project. For help, visit the Guix help resources. Report bugs to the bug-Guix mailing list and/or the maintainer's repo.


  • A GNU/Linux system

Pip Vs Anaconda

To install VisiData:

Conda Brew Bar

To upgrade VisiData:

To uninstall VisiData:

Conda Brewing Company

To create a dev environment with all of VisiData's dependencies loaded: